Hilda Tenow Benulic is a graphic designer, illustrator and creative based in Stockholm, Sweden. With a love for printed matter, physical objects and expressive colors.

Layer by Layer

Exhibition Catalogue

Editorial design
Art direction

Exhibition catalogue for the Interior Architecture and furniture design class at Konstfack.

The bachelor students  displayed a variety of objects that challenge the traditional production by utilizing the unique possibilities of 3D-printing. The visual language in the catalogue flirts a lot with the shapes of the 3D-printing process and incorporates it in the overall design. The exhibition took place at Nordiska Kompaniet.


Trash to Treasure

Public ornament
2024 & 2022 

Art direction

Commissioned by Trafikkontoret and AMF Fastigheter as a part of Wallstreet Stockholm festival. Made in collaboration with Sissela Nordling Blanco. Our concept was to transform the gray concrete block into a public treasure in the heart of the city. We were inspired by nearby trash to make the abstract patterns and forms.  Just like a pearl from an oyster is made out of unwanted dirt we wanted to see color and beautiful form in the things no one wants.

Sissela Nordling Blanco︎︎︎



Brand Identity

Art direction & lead designer
Lina forsgren.

Logo design

Visual identity, graphic design of method material, illustrations and web page for Rädda barnens project Fathima. Fathima is a project for conversation groups for girls and non-binary people with experience of being on the run between the ages of 12-18 and who live in Skåne. The method material is used by Fathima's leaders to guide them through various topics and exercises.

Fathima ︎︎︎
Lina Forsgren ︎︎︎

The Sports Issue


Editorial design
Art direction.

C-Print is a contemporary digital art magasin based in Stockholm. For their Sports Issue there was a collaboration between C-Print and the Graphic design and illustration class at Konstfack, graduating in 2023. The printed magazine was released at Riksidrottsmuseet and spreads were later exhibited at Sergels Torg, Stockholm.


Shapes of
a Nice Shiver

Graduation project

Editorial design
Exhibition space

In this project I have interpreted and deconstructed sounds taken from videos of ASMR. The acronym stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and is a reaction to visual, auditory and tactile stimulation that can be described as a nice shiver. I’m exploring what happens when typography and form is created from sounds.
The result of this exploration is a book that explain and describe my process, as well as a series of screen printed posters.